You don't get credit for time spent meditating.

A direct quote from today’s “moment” note in the Waking Up app.

It’s important not to go through life merely being enamored of the idea of being a meditator. Having the concept that you practice meditation or that you’re generally mindful or that you’re doing your best to be mindful isn’t the same as actually noticing thoughts and emotions arise and pass away, clearly. It isn’t the same as really breaking the spell over and over again as you go about your day. You can’t fake this, and you don’t get credit for trying. You don’t get credit for time spent meditating. It doesn’t matter that you meditated this morning or that you didn’t. The only point in space and time where you actually get to win this game is this one.
— Sam Harris

Pete Colgan works with sales and marketing professionals who want fulfillment so they can manage stress, build thriving business and create successful, happy lives. Consider investing in yourself to truly understand what brings you joy and how you can use that awareness to increase revenue and kick your life and career into high gear. Whether through one-on-one coaching, or a cost-effective group coaching program, what you discover will help the work you do feel effortless! Click here to learn more.

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